Since 2011 (to read the article entitled What Is Wine? click here and to read my article Yikes! The Tide May Be Going Out Soon! Who’s Swimming Naked? click here) I have been writing about wine ingredient labeling and why it is needed (to read the reasons why wine ingredient labeling is needed click on the following article which also has links to all articles on wine ingredient labeling including a list of things that can go into wine
Caution! What’s In Your Wine?).
Bonny Doon Vineyard was the first winery to put ingredient labeling on their wines (click here to read an article on Bonny Doon Vineyard). Shortly thereafter Ridge Vineyards did the same (click here to read an article on Ridge Vineyards which also has links to all Ridge articles). Since then there have been two other California wineries that I know of that have adopted ingredient labeling. They are listed below (click to read the articles)
Lodi Native
This is a group of 6 wine growers and wineries in Lodi dedicated to make wine in a traditional manner and listing all ingredients on the label. They have a very honest and disciplined approach to making traditional wine that is fully described in this article.
This is a new winery making Chardonnay and Pinot Noir from Santa Barbara in a traditional manner and listing all ingredients on the label. Their first wines (Chardonnays) were released last year and are very impressive. The first Pinot Noirs will be offered this year. The wine is sold via a mailing list which is noted in this article.
So now with Anheuser-Busch adopting ingredient labeling, hopefully other wineries as well as beer companies will follow. Consider the concluding remarks below from my article Caution! What’s In Your Wine? where 91% of consumers said they supported ingredient labeling on alcoholic beverages:
So there you have it. What is in wine and ingredient labeling are things that every wine consumer should demand before buying wine. Consider the quote in the above article that 91% of consumers said they supported ingredient labeling on alcoholic beverages. The government declined to get involved. But this is not a bad thing. If the government gets involved, they are likely to get it wrong. After all, what do the bureaucrats at the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) know or care about wine? They are focused on collecting taxes on Tobacco and Alcohol. I agree with Paul that ingredient labeling is something best left to the industry to deal with.
Now is the time for all wine producers who make traditional wine and have nothing to hide to step forward and follow Ridge Vineyards and Bonny Doon Vineyard as the only 2 wineries that I know of that have adopted ingredient labeling (Note: Since this article was written in 2014 Lodi Native and Gamble-Work have adopted ingredient labeling). Those wineries with something to hide will continue to operate in a veil of secrecy. So be it. As consumers we can buy whatever we choose. But, we should all be asking questions and getting answers to what is in the wine we are buying. We should also all encourage our favorite wineries that are making wine in a traditional way to join together in an association to promote traditional winemaking. Big points and massive tastings have very little to do with drinking and enjoying wine (to read an article explaining this click here). And, wine is first and foremost meant to be consumed with food. Wines that are filled with artificial ingredients and are manipulated need to be disclosed. If you care about the food you eat, you should care about the wine you drink! It’s that simple!!
I believe if all people were aware of the ingredients that can go into wine that there would be even more demand for ingredient labeling. Take a look at another Bud Light ad below which should be the standard that wineries who are making traditional wine should follow:
In Vino Veritas,
John Tilson