Hear ye! Hear ye! First there was the famous Judgment of Paris where California wines topped French wines. Now there is The Judgment of Moscow. The Russians are coming and they are taking no prisoners. They are after every thing in sight and that includes wine. The boys best known for alcohol and Vodka have just made a startling discovery – WINE! And, guess what? They have been setting up double blind tastings (no one knows the identity of any of the wines). And, in this case, it is triple blind since all the tasters also wear blindfolds. They are really serious! Besides it is really cold in Russia!
Mimicking the US mania, the Russian tastings started with a bunch of the 100 point alcohol fruit bombs. Things like Sign No Scrotum, No Cassin, Squealing Monkey, and Outta Here. The Russians matched these wines up with their favorite libations. And then they mixed the wines with their favorite libations. After all, they were on a mission for the greatest. So why not max it out? Vodka and Sign No Scrotum. Does that not have a certain affinity? Is this a match made in ….? But, guess what? Someone came in from above and offered the Russians a glass of rosé. After that, there were more rosés and then the Russians even started doing rosé tastings. It was amazing. In no time, there was no turning back. The rosés walked away with the bouquet. Soon, after a brief time out to digest their experience, all of the Russian tasters were grateful for the outcome. You see, for the first time, after their massive tastings of traditional libations and 100 point fruit bombs, often mixed for maximum impact, they had time for other things. These included cigars and other related indulgences that they could enjoy without having to cope with fatigue, lack of stamina, head aches, languished libido, and unconsciousness. It was a short journey from Vodka to fruit bombs. And, it was an even shorter trip towards taste and moderation. Go figure! The world needs to take notice. Maybe this is enlightened leadership!!
You see, there were winners for sure and it’s rosé endorsed by Putin. No one would dare going back now. Putin is in charge and it is amazing who is leading the parade. One hint: It’s a world class rosé that the Russians are promoting. Take a guess and click here for the answer.
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