Yes, Thanksgiving will soon be here. As always, we have been planning our Thanksgiving dinner for weeks. The historical significance, the meal itself , and the chance to gather with family and friends to give thanks for all the blessings we have, makes it one of my very favorite days of the years. And, yes, the Thanksgiving meal itself is my favorite meal of the year. At our house, it varies only slightly from year to year with turkey and a wide variety of traditional accompaniments always the focus.
This year I am still making final selections for wines. But, to begin we will have Sparkling Bourgogne with French cherries in a liqueur with Kirsch. And with the main meal we will have lots of wine choices as usual. This year the choices will include Rosés (including one of our favorites from years past which got lost in the cellar and was only recently found and a current 2015 vintage Tavel as well as some others), a Ridge Zinfandel (a uniquely American wine), Cru Beaujolais and Burgundy.
To get a lot of ideas (and many tried and true recipes) for your celebration please please see Food And Wine Suggestions For Your Thanksgiving Meal which will also provide you with links to many more Thanksgiving articles with even more ideas.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. It is indeed a special day. And, when the celebration is over I will send out brief notes on the wine and food that we will have enjoyed at our house this year with family and friends.
In Vino Veritas,
John Tilson
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