After some 40 years of pondering over all the problems of scoring systems, I have had a change of heart. So if you can’t beat em, join em! In fact, take it to another level. So here it is – the new Underground scoring system. I have tried to make it as accurate as […]
Click here to read entire article »Well, it was bound to happen. In fact, I have been predicting it for years. And now it looks like that day is about to arrive. This should be music to the ears of all the folks who drink numbers. They have dreamed, lusted, and drooled for something beyond the 100 point wines that, in recent years, have been cropping up like wild flowers and weeds after a spring rain. This is, to my knowledge, the first wine ever anointed with a score above 100.
Click here to read entire article »Over the years, I’ve participated in thousands of wine tastings. I have read about hundreds or thousands more. But there is one that stands out above all the others. It is, without question, the wine tasting of the millennium. The basic idea was to taste the highest scoring wines of all time in one tasting.
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