A Guide to Wine, Food & the Good Life

Norman Van Aken

This tag is associated with 2 posts


THE DAILY MEAL WINERY AWARDS The Daily Meal is a website http://www.thedailymeal.com/ with a wide range of articles including food, wine, cooking, recipes, drink, travel, entertainment, and restaurants. It was launched in January 2011. The Daily Meal is under the editorial direction of Colman Andrews. I have known Colman for many years. And, we have […]

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A Dinner To Remember At Hatfield’s

Today, I want to chat with you about a newish(opened spring 2009) restaurant you should not miss. I first learned about Executive Chef Quinn Hatfield and wife (Pastry Chef) Karen before their arrival in West Hollywood. The first time I actually met Quinn was in Santa Monica, at a preview for the 2010 Taste of the Nation. I liked his attitude, heard lots of good things about their cooking and was determined to eventually visit the new restaurant. I never made it to that first venue, because they moved– to the location that once housed the renowned Citrus of Michel Richard. I enjoyed a birthday there a decade or more ago, and filed in the back of my head that I should get there when the Hatfields had their “soft” opening.

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