The Underground Wineletter has always stood for the consumer and more wine transparency (click to read about our history and mission with links to many other articles). Wine should not be a mystery. But somehow in the U.S. it has become very complicated and that is even before the bottle is opened. Consider how […]
Click here to read entire article »In the May 5-6, 2018 OFF DUTY supplement to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL the headline article was Do The Right Wines Win? by Lettie Teague. The author and a group of her wine friends decided to buy some relatively low priced wines with big numbers scores. Basically the article talked about the 100 […]
Click here to read entire article »Geez, no sooner did I post my article on the Big Kahuna wines (to read that article click here) than I pick up the morning paper (yes, I still read our local paper) and see the following headline: “Checking out: Fresh & Easy parent may shutter stores”. Yikes! No more Big Kahuna. It seems the […]
Click here to read entire article »I can sometimes have a vivid imagination, but I did not make this up. This is something that came out of a CNBC special “The Costco Craze: Inside the Warehouse Giant.” In that program there was an interview with Annette Alvarez Peters who is Costco’s principal wine buyer. She said “Is (wine) more […]
Click here to read entire article »I have always been curious. In all of my endeavors, I have referred to this trait as “turning over rocks.” You have to turn over rocks to see what is underneath. That takes some effort. Many people do not care. But for those that do, there is no assurance of what you will find. Maybe it will be a gold nugget or maybe it will be a rattle snake! Or, even more likely, it will be something in between. So it is with wine.
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